BackUp Maker

BackUp Maker
Version history
Edition comparison
Important notes
Main window
Main menu
Backup Wizard
File selection
Filter options
Execution interval
Execution warranty
Backup type
Extended settings
Security settings
Procedure before/after backup
Split backup
Target directory
Backup name
Restore Wizard
Files list
Order & support

Topic: Important notes

Please read this topic carefully before starting to use BackUp Maker. It contains important information on the use of the application.

Note: Backup verification

After a completed backup, BackUp Maker verifies the backup copy - unless you have disabled this feature. The verification involves a number of checksum tests (CRC32).

Since an automated, computer controlled verification can never be quite as reliable as a human, manual verification, you are obliged under licencing laws to check your backups yourself in order to ensure that they are correct and complete.

Note: Multiple DVD sessions

Given that DVDs and DVD burners are not quite as mature as CDs and CD burners in their technological development, you are advised to check multiple DVD sessions after a backup operation for their integrity. Many of the commercially available DVD burners and DVDs do not yet provide multiple session functionality (or at least not of the type offered by CDs).

Note: System files and files that are open exclusively

In principle, BackUp Maker allows backing up of system files. However, a number of files are access protected by the operating system (files that have been "opened exlusively"). It is not possible to backup such files without the risk of losing data. This is why BackUp Maker automatically excludes them from its backup operations, and lists these explicitly as having been excluded in the backup report.

Copyright ⌐ 2002-2007
ASCOMP Software GmbH,